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A special program AFN Frankfurt Operation Information about radio in American sector 1953 01 15 30 min [verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]
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Radio Marketing Department London new commercials for the ILR Stations September 1981 total 28 min have a good weekend Hans [verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud] RTV Metropolis Köln 101-19800816-1651-1658-10eUitzending-B6198.MP3 Deze opname kon ik in Köln registreren. Het begin van de vrije radio's met een adres in Dedemsvaart NL.
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again some USA radio from the eighties from the Hans Hogendoorn collection KLSC 1986 08 20 AM Stereo Jay Mack 15.19 – 16.06 [verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud] Weet iemand welke twee platen er nog gedraaid worden na het nieuws van 0300 uur?
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- 606 weergaven
[verborgen inhoud]
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- 323 weergaven
[verborgen inhoud] aircheckMontrealCDN-19780729 stations nog uit te zoeken
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- 964 weergaven
This video is an overview of the Offshore 50 event that took place on August 14, 2017 in London. The video starts with the arrival of the attendees, followed by : - Meeting each other - Looking through the photobooks of offshore photographer Martin Stevens - Catching up, chatting, sharing memories - Taking lots of photos and - Remembering Augst 14, 1967 at 3pm, followed by a number of speeches The video ends with a videoclip of "We don't belong" by Sylvan and a list of the attendees and the organisers. Mary Payne describes this event as follows: It was The Biggest Offshore Reu…
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In de definitie van dit station uit Las Vegas staat FM voor "False Memories" en staat AM voor "Authentic Music" Het format wordt als volgt omschreven op Wikipedia : "a focus on music from the late-1950s and early 1960s, primarily targeting the region's baby boomer demographic". [verborgen inhoud]
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In The Doggett's Coat and Badge, Blackfriar's Bridge, London on August 10, 2002, Sixties Radio Offshore Personnel (AKA the "Wet Club") met to commemorate the closure of Offshore radio stations in the UK on August 14, 1967. The video shows the attendees while sharing memories and getting photos taken. You can watch speeches by Willy Walker, Ed Stewart (Ed explains how the name "Stewpot" came about), Mike Luvzit and Dave Lee Travis. The reunion was organised by Mary and Chris Payne and their team.
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- 501 weergaven
WNBC New York 1986 08 13 6.59 - 8.34 Imus in the morning 94 min [verborgen inhoud]
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Dennis Jason was a very professional DJ and a very nice and warm person. He was de 2nd person that I filmed during the Radio London RSL of 2001 from Clacton Pier in the UK. We had very nice conversations about a variety of topics (outside the broadcast that I filmed). After the RSL he sent me a couple of videotapes with his own video footage from the mid eighties (Caroline, Monique, Laser) and a set of drawings of the Communicator. Victor Hartman reads the news at 18:30. Unfortunately the audio duiring the first 3 minutes is somewhat distorted and for the rest of the compilation I only had the audio, that my videocamera recorded in the stud…
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- 742 weergaven
[verborgen inhoud]
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another recording from Red Sands Radio and October 2008 featuring Bob LeRoi [verborgen inhoud]
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When I arrived on Clacton Pier during my first day in the UK for the RSL, Paul Graham was spinning records. Victor Hartman reads the news at 14:30. Paul introduces myself to his listeners (it's me shouting "Hi guys"). Colin Lees is in the studio and Paul is playing the track Peculiar situation by the Young Idea from the LP that Colin brought with him. Alan Hardy starts his program at 15:00 with his tune (Wade in the water by the Graham Bond Organisation), followed by Sam the Sham (uno, dos).
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- 419 weergaven
On May 6, 2000, the LV18 was "hip towed" to another pier in Harwich between 12:00 and 14:00. So, if you cannot go on-board to film the DJs, what do you do? In this case I filmed the preparations for and the actual towing of the LV18. While the LV18 was "on the move" the radio broadcasts continued, power was coming from the generators of the LV18.
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- 588 weergaven
Last program Emperor Rosko UDJ 2021 05 21 13.00-16.00 180 min [verborgen inhoud]
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One of the highlights of the Radio London RSLs is the Beatles Spectacular, one hour filled with Beatles music and jingles, presented by Ray Anderson. This particular Beatles spectacular was broadcast between 10:00 and 11:00 on August 11, 2001 from the Portakabin on Clacton Pier. Tony Currie reads the news at 10:30. Alan "Fab" Field is in the studio as well.
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- 845 weergaven
wnew new york 1983 03 19 jonathan schwartz 62 min excellent middle of the road show [verborgen inhoud]
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wls actual witness report Hindenburg Airship disaster 1937 06 05 15 min from the Hans Hogendoorn Archive [verborgen inhoud]
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Wie heeft deze show in de collectie en is bereid hem hier nog eens neer te zetten?" Ik ben onlangs en wist niet de exacte oorsprong van elke radio. Ik denk dat ik me vergist heb in het forum bij het raadplegen. Dit lijkt mij het juiste forum. Ik hoop dat ze me helpen om het bestand te krijgen. Jorge - Argentina
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- 568 weergaven
"Wie heeft deze show in zijn collectie en is bereid om hem hier te plaatsen?". Jorge - Argentina
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- 661 weergaven
A trip in 2010 to the Jenni Baynton (Radio Waddenzee and Radio Seagull) 15th May 2010. See Rob Olthof, Jörg Krips, Walter Galle, Sietse Brouwer, Stevie Gordon, Norman Barrington, Adrian Hondema, Andy Brooks, Chris Kennedy, David Foster, Mandy Marton For the third year in a row, Radio Waddenzee and Radio Seagull went offshore from 30th April to 16th May 2010. Both stations broadcast from the radio ship Jenni Baynton, which was again moored 8 miles off Harlingen in the northwest in the Netherlands. The final offshore weekend on 15th and 16th May saw nostalgic Radio Seagull live broadcasts 24 hours per day with former offshore radio presenters No…
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- 498 weergaven
Op 31.8.2021 had Mark Dezzani Tom Anderson te gast in zijn show. Helaas heb ik dat destijds gemist. Is er iemand in dit forum die daar de opname van heeft? Mijn dank is groot!
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- 390 weergaven
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