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  1. Started by hans knot,

    1982 04 13 WNBC, WBCS and WABC New York. 05.47-06.49 Mostly news and minor music including hot news about 3 murders on WCBS people [verborgen inhoud]

  2. Started by hans knot,

    WPIX FM 102 1982 04 12 Jack McCarthy 2021-21.15 Easy rock station WPIX ontstond in 1963 door naamsverandering van WBFM en werd eigendom van het grote WPIXconcern, dat ook televisiestations had. Studio’s gevestigd midden in Manhattan New York 102 min. [verborgen inhoud]

  3. WLTA FM 100 Atlanta 1981 06 11 9.01-10.03 Jay Neily news and weather Jim Rich on the easy listening show. Music of the different times of your life 62 min [verborgen inhoud]

  4. Started by Vincent,

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  5. Van de Golden Radio NL server, met dank aan Jean-Pierre Legein Sunshine Radio Dublin 100.5 FM - 28 10 1982 - Tom Hardy [verborgen inhoud]

  6. Hallo Radiofreunden, In meiner Jugend (ich bin vom Dezember 1959, also ca. 1980 war ich 20) habe ich in Zevenaar, an der deutschen Grenze, gelebt und viel WDR 2 gehört. In den Jahren 1973 - 1980 gab es eine 2-stündige Sendung namens Radiothek. Kennst du es vielleicht auch? Ich habe ein paar Radiochecks, aber vor allem viele Erinnerungen an das Programm und (schon damals) an das Design. Ich möchte mit deutschen Hörern/Fans/Freaks in Kontakt treten, die vielleicht – genau wie ich – designbegeistert sind und daher die Melodien und Jingles der Radiothek kennen und haben. In diesem Fall höre ich gerne von dir. Mit freundlichen Gruss, Benno Breda, die Niede…

  7. Started by hans knot,

    WPAT New York Kenn Lynn 1986 08 11 Easy 93 Excellent easy listening mostly covers. 17.54 18.43 A pity for the background noises. 47 min. [verborgen inhoud]

  8. Started by hans knot,

    WLTA Atlanta FM100. Hurry Home Music 1980 06 10 17.46-18.46 60 min. Commentary, news and weather included [verborgen inhoud]

  9. [verborgen inhoud]

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  10. Started by hans knot,

    WABC New York 1979 06 04 Dan Ingram 16.02-17.02 60 min WABC New York 1979 06 04 Dan Ingram 17.08-18.00 and Rick James with news and sports and small piece George Michael 18.09 total time 61 min [verborgen inhoud]

  11. [verborgen inhoud]

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  12. Started by hans knot,

    KVIL Dallas and Fort Worth 103.7 1982 04 06 22.33-00.33 120 min [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]

  13. Started by hans knot,

    WABC 1979 06 05 23.50-0052 local time. Rick James on the news in the Chuck Leonard show 60 min [verborgen inhoud]

  14. Started by hans knot,

    Radio Monte Carlo 1983 04 10 17.40-18.26 47 min Radio Monte Carlo 1983 04 10 18.27 – 19.11 and 1983 04 11 10.20-10 30 46 min. Patrick Sebastian and others. [verborgen inhoud]

  15. Started by hans knot,

    Radio Nacional de Brazil international service 1977 music and info about the link between Netherlands and Suriname 63 min Radio Nacional de Brazil English language program 1977 11780 kHz in the 25 meter band with Brazilian sings and letters from the listeners 63 min [verborgen inhoud]

  16. [verborgen inhoud]

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  17. Radio Luxembourg 208 1980 05 28 Disco Computer Top 30 Mark Wesley 14 min followed by news with Mark and Benny Brown 48 min [verborgen inhoud]

  18. Voice of America Europe. Fantastic demo from 1975 for the new format Music and More. An in depth inside in the programming of the VOA in Europe 33 min. [verborgen inhoud]

  19. Started by hans knot,

    WOLD FM Fort Myers Florida 95 FM Cruisin America with Cousin Brucie part 1 date unknown 48 min WOLD FM Fort Myers Florida 95 FM Cruisin America with Cousin Brucie part 2 date unknown 47 min [verborgen inhoud]

  20. Started by hans knot,

    WKTU New York or 92KTU 19830322 18.08-19.10 Rosko 62 min [verborgen inhoud]

  21. Started by hans knot,

    WNBC New York 19830322 16.00 -17.00 Howard Stern 60 min with on the news Robin Quivers who would become some time later his sidekick [verborgen inhoud]

  22. Started by capitalguy,

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  23. Started by hans knot,

    WMXJ FM 102.7 Pompano Beach Florida 0623 0710 50s and 60s oldies format 1989 09 11 Sean Burke. Dave Reynolds on the news Tony Secreto with sports 45 min WMXJ FM 102.7 Pompano Beach Florida 0714- 0748 50’s and 60’s oldies format 1989 09 11 Sean Burke. Dave Reynolds on the news and Tony Secreto with sports 45 min. 0711-0801 Just two weeks on surf net [verborgen inhoud]

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  24. [verborgen inhoud]

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