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Fellow 80's Caroline DJ. Carl Kingston, reported that Brian had passed away earlier this week. By way of a small tribute, here is a recording I made of him, soon after he joined the station, on 23/01/1984. [verborgen inhoud]
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- 659 weergaven
Hi all 1992 05 27 Euronet 12.30 - 13.15 Mark Matthews [verborgen inhoud] 1992 05 28 Euronet Caroline Martin [verborgen inhoud] 1992 05 28 Euronet Paul Shelton Caroline Martin [verborgen inhoud] Enjoy
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- 652 weergaven
In case anyone is interested, I made a couple of short recordings of BBC Radio Ulster from 1341kHz this evening, recorded in Glasgow, Scotland. The AM service is to be shut down on 6 May, but "1341 medium wave" still features in the top of the hour ident. First around 9pm, shortly before sunset: [verborgen inhoud] Then an hour later, after dark: [verborgen inhoud] Regards, Andy
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Ik kom hier regelmatig files tegen van BBC programma's. Op de BBC Programme Explorer staan 207.449 files beschikbaar ter download. Misschien zit er iets voor jou tussen. [verborgen inhoud] Have fun.
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[verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]
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Here's May 02, 1981 ( billboard Top 50 ), from 2016 : [verborgen inhoud] The link expires in 7 days only.
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Sovereign 1494 kHz Crispian St John 0925-1010 07/12/83 [verborgen inhoud]
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- 662 weergaven
Hi all Offshore Radio 1584 Aug 1992 1 Andy Walker Paul Graham Roger Davies Dennis Jason [verborgen inhoud] 2 Dennis Jason [verborgen inhoud] 3 Andy Walker Tony Heartburn [verborgen inhoud] 4 Tony Heartburn Mike and Clive [verborgen inhoud] enjoy
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- 643 weergaven
hi all Caroline Imagination 1 [verborgen inhoud] Does anybody what the penultimate track is female vocals nice guitar? it sounds like Rob says the band is Foola not sure. Have searched but all i found searching Foola was a rock band on you tube. So help please enjoy
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Hi all this show features lots of TV Themes 1999 03 14 Andy Marriotts Television Show Century 106 part 1 [verborgen inhoud] 1999 03 14 Andy Marriotts Television Show Century 106 part 2 [verborgen inhoud] enjoy
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- 1,2k weergaven
Atlantic 2000 International France - SW [verborgen inhoud] Hierbij alles in 1 link van dit station van mixcloud En alles omgezet in mp3 VOLLEDIG ! tot eind maart 2021! Tussen de ongeveer 52 - 56 links met items: Programma's en hoezen Het station heeft een webstation Maar daar hoor je in herhaling dezelfde programma's afdraaien Leuk om dit station eens te horen Veel plezier met deze grote hoop downloads De Zeerover
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Graham Cooke found his passion for radio aged just 7 when he heard Radio London. Listen how that youthful interest turned into career that got him into trouble helping Radio Jackie and eventually took him to the Voice of Peace of the coast of Israel Second hour of our live interview with Graham Cooke ("Peter Philips" on Caroline). He finally arrives on the Voice of Peace, then off to Radio Nova in Italy, a quick return to Radio Jackie, and then Caroline 558 from the Ross Revenge. After 1988 Graham goes "legit" - Invicta FM, Blue Danube Radio, Breeze AM, and finally BBC Radio Kent. Plus his latest project "Caroline Community Radio" in M…
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RNI Germany – Dick de Graaf en Bob Le-Roi rond februari-maart 2021 RNI Germany - 20210322 - 2300-2400 - Dick De Graaf - Driemaster [Repeat].mp3 [verborgen inhoud] RNI Germany - 20210318 - 1800-1823 - Dick De Graaf - Driemaster [Repeat].mp3 [verborgen inhoud] RNI Germany - 20210318 - 1824-1902 - Dick De Graaf - Driemaster [Repeat].mp3 [verborgen inhoud] RNI Germany - 20210223 - 1500-1700 - Bob Le-Roi - Bobs 60s Splash.mp3 [verborgen inhoud] RNI Germany - 20210226 - 1400-1459 - Bob Le-Roi - Bobs 60s Splash [].mp3 [verborgen inhoud] RNI Germa…
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- 611 weergaven
Smooth 70s 2012 02 05 2100-2200 American Top 40-06 02 1971 - Casey Kasem [verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud]
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[verborgen inhoud]
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Omnivoor, jij kwam met Marley Marl laatst en dus heb ik deze even gered van ontruiming 💀 Achteréénvolgens : 1988-01-22 2145-2230 TimWestwood-Capital-Waxers-Side2.mp3 (63 Mb) 1988-01-29 2100-2145 TimWestwood-Capital.mp3 (44.6 MB) 1988-02-05 2145-2230 TimWestwood-Capital.mp3 (62.8 MB) 1988-10-15 2100-2145 TimWestwood-Capital.mp3 (64 MB) 1989-02-25 2100-2200 CapitalRadio-TimWestwood.mp3 (85.9 MB) 1989-04-08 2100-2230 TimWestwood-Capital rapshow ft De La Soul interview.mp3 (33.3 MB) 1989-05-27 2100-2230 TimWestwood - Live from Dingwalls.mp3 (36.6 MB) 1989-07-08 2100-2200 TimWestwood-Capital.mp3 (24.5 MB) 1989-…
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Archief Dick de Graaf Programma’s RNI Germany Halloha RadiofreaksA Een aantal links van de laatste opnames die ik opnam van RNI Germany voor het Golden Radio club archief Hierbij ook voor het Radiotrefpunt forum Voor wie ook graag deze uitzendingen wil voor in zijn collectie radio opnames, de downloads in pixeldrain Helaas overleed Dick de Graaf op donderdag 19112020 RNI Germany recordings i have made from ex Offshore DJ Dick de Graaf from RNI Dick de Graaf past away on 19112020 Vriendelijke groeten/friendly greatings Jean-Pierre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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