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Voor discussies over radiostations uit andere landen dan Nederland en België.

  1. Uit het archief van Martin van der Ven: [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]

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  2. Uit het archief van Martin van der Ven: [verborgen inhoud]

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  3. Started by Vincent,

    Deze opnames zijn afkomstig uit het archief van Martin van der Ven. [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud] [verborgen inhoud]

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  4. Started by LASER558,

    What a pleasure it is to join this forum and to read all the posts about Laser558 and Laser Hot Hits. We are the new LASER558 and own the company name and licence to broadcast. As part of our Project Laser, we are looking for original off-air recordings on cassette or reels of tape so that we can use them to replay original programs, and also to remove DJ vocals and use them to introduce songs and time checks. This is a type of 'voice-tracking' but by using the original broadcasts, we hope it will make the station sound like it did in the 1980s with the original DJ voices alongside better recordings of the songs. If anyone would like to be involved in supplyin…

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  5. Started by martinja,

    Van de Golden Radio NL server helaas verder geen gegevens Braun Top 20 - 3-5-1992 [verborgen inhoud]

  6. [verborgen inhoud]

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  7. Robbie Owen's Juke Box Drive In October 29th: "Hans Knot, world renowned radio historian joins us live from the Netherlands to talk about Radio Veronica, which broadcast from he Dutch coast from 1960 to 1974. Hear about the two shios, the first attempts at English Programming, and Tineke, the first female Dj in Holland. Plus tunes from Golden Earrings, The Cata, Raymond Froggatt, David McWilliams, Kiki Dee, and Buffalo Springfield...oh, and even Robbie Dale!" I listened to Radio Veronica starting in 1962/63 so didn't hear CNBC as Robbie thought. Living 3 miles from Whitby on the North Yorkshire coast could receive it all day due to sea path. I reme…

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  8. Started by Ben,

    Een opname van precies 25 jaar geleden van Triple D oftewel Dandy Dan Daniel. Hij was één van de eerste "Good Guys" bij Fabulous 57, WMCA New York. [verborgen inhoud] Art Vuolo heeft een tribute aan Triple D op WCBS op YT staan. Dan is op 21 Juni 2016 overleden.

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  9. Leestip mbt de huidige stand van zaken bij Caroline 648 en het zendschip Ross Revenge. Compact en correct geschreven artikel over de huidige stand van zaken en toekomst perspectief. Station manager Peter Moore bevestigt inhoud van het artikel op Free Radio Board. Zie hier [verborgen inhoud] Paul de Haan.

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  10. Started by Drumbeat,

    [verborgen inhoud] According to Companies House, the private limited company was incorporated on 04/07/23 at 27 Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AX. The sole director of Laser558 Limited is Steven Michael Bannister, born August 1967. He is British and resides in the UK.

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  11. Photowalk Podcast 404, Neale James for streaming or download "Can art and the spoken word be a voice for peace? Today, following the appalling events of a violent week in the Middle East, I discuss the "Greatest communicator you've never heard of," Abie Nathan; an Israeli humanitarian and peace activist who founded the Voice of Peace radio station which broadcast from a ship in the Mediterranean, with broadcaster Robbie Owen. For two decades it transmitted a message of togetherness and brought together all cultures, beliefs and nationalities to discuss peace across the region." 25 minute interview with Robbie about Abie Nathan, who he kept in touch with until …

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    • 398 weergaven
  12. Started by Harm,

    [verborgen inhoud]

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    • 7 antwoorden
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  13. Started by Drumbeat,

    [verborgen inhoud]

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  14. [verborgen inhoud]

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  15. [verborgen inhoud]

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  16. Started by scotty,

    Almost 50 years ago, it's Dave Owen on the Big K on 30th September 1973 from 1100-1200. Of course Dave later went to work for Radio Atlantis and Radio Caroline. [verborgen inhoud]

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  17. Superclan Radio - Stuart Clark uit Arnhem [verborgen inhoud]

  18. Gisteren (Zondag 10 september 2023) reed ik toevallig rond 10.00 uur lokale tijd (11.00 uur NL zomertijd) in Norwich, Norfolk, UK en luisterde naar het programma Treasure Quest. Treasure Quest is een beetje een Oude Wijven programma, waarbij een radio-auto met presenta-tors/trices cryptische zinnetjes moet oplossen mbv de luisteraars om uiteindelijk op een bepaalde lokatie in Norfolk te belanden en aldaar met mensen te praten over koetjes en kalfjes mbt die lokatie. Na 15 jaar gaat dit programma op de schop, want reorganisatie van de lokale (regionale) BBC omroepen, lees: geld besparen. Het lokale karakter verdwijnt dus en er zijn talloze presenat-oren…

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    • 1 antwoord
    • 444 weergaven
  19. [verborgen inhoud]

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  20. [verborgen inhoud]

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  21. [verborgen inhoud]

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  22. Countdown USA - Weekly Top 40 with Dave Scholin from July 30, 1988 [verborgen inhoud] Countdown USA - Weekly Top 40 with Dave Scholin from October 01, 1988 [verborgen inhoud] Countdown USA - Weekly Top 40 with Dave Scholin from October 29, 1988 [verborgen inhoud] Countdown USA - Weekly Top 40 with Dave Scholin from August 22, 1987 [verborgen inhoud]

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  23. [verborgen inhoud]

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  24. Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from April 18, 1987 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from February 15, 1986 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from July 19, 1986 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from August 02, 1986 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from April 20, 1985 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott Shannon from December 21, 1985 [verborgen inhoud] Rockin' America Top 30 Countdown with Scott …

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