Geplaatst 23 september 201212 jr. Download hier de Radio Extra Gold Zaterdagmiddag Gebeurtenis van 22 September 2012 De Top 40 van 17 September 1977 door Gerrit Lettinck 13u-14u : 14u-15u : 15u-16u : De Tipparade van 17 September 1977 door Bert van der Laan 16u-17u : 17u-18u : De NonsTop 40 van 31 Augustus 1968 (deel 3) 18u-19u : De NonsTop 40 van 24 September 1988 door Frits Spoor 20u-21u : De LP Top 20 van 17 September 1977 door Pieter Oele 21u-22u :
Geplaatst 23 september 201212 jr. Thanks as always Peter. The link for the third hour (15.00 to 16.00) does not work by clicking on it, but, if anybody else has the same problem, if you type in the file number you can access the file. Regards Michael
Geplaatst 23 september 201212 jr. Aug 31 , 1968 Deel 3 : i'm sorry but it's the same part 2 as last week and the week before ! Starting with # 22 ( Otis Redding ) and finishing with # 6 ( Crazy World of Arthur brown ) . THE TOP 5 IS STILL MISSING ! Ok , i will delete this show because we'll never have it complete , its very frustrating .
Geplaatst 23 september 201212 jr. Auteur @ Mike, I had it posted without the real link to mediafire, now it should work like normal @ SkySeth, I have downloaded Part 3 and for me it starts with Do It Again, nr 5.
Geplaatst 23 september 201212 jr. OK this time it works and the final part is here. Many thanks ExtraGold for this fantastic show , it was important to me because it was the period i've discovered Radio Veronica during my first trip to london by hitch-hicking from Paris .
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