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  • 3 weeks later...

Many thanks for your efforts. I desperately try to collect recordings from that particular day, from opening to close down. Thank to Vincent and Jan-Fre, I have collected two hours (one from Paul Jackson and another from Brandy Lee). Hope to find more…

Have a good Sunday


Thanks for the downloads.

I understand it was Easter Monday?

Wow and flutter increases in the broadcasts as time goes on, result of the generator running bad, affecting the cart machines used as play out system.

Probably lack of fuel?


I understand it was Easter Monday?

Probably lack of fuel?

Ja en ja maar dat staat ook al eerder in dit draadje geschreven.

Buiten dat waren er ook problemen met de antenne en er werd vanwege gebrek aan olie (geld) met laag vermogen uitgezonden.

Ook de dj's werden niet of te weinig betaald.

In het programma van Brandy Lee, kon je al merken, dat ze er weinig vertrouwen in had, dat er de volgende dag weer een uitzending zou zijn.

D.L. Bogart nam afscheid die avond om 19.00 uur met o.a. de volgende woorden: " You know, I could sit here and talk to you all night, in fact i probably could do so, if we had the Diesel and we had the disc-jockeys. But we have neither, so it's time to shut this sucker down for the evening..."

Brandy Lee en D.L. Bogart verlieten na enig tijd het schip.

Paul Jackson is nog maanden aan boord van de Communicator gebleven, ook toen het schip vertrok naar een nieuwe anker positie voor de n/w kust van Frankrijk (Fairy Bank).



Hi Robin and thanks for your comments. You seem to be well informed about the end of Laser 576 and the very last words from DL Boggart on the air. May be you can help us by locating a recording of this section ?


May be you can help us by locating a recording of this section ?

I am also looking for more recordings of that day and especially the last hours.

I think that eventually (in the future) these recordings come above water.




New: Laser 558 was a massive hit with listeners across Europe, but a combination of poor commercial sales and a UK government blockade on supplies, led to it's downfall and the impounding of the radio ship.

The Laser ship was purchased at auction by a radio enthusiast, and before long, the MV Communicator was back at sea, broadcasting as Laser Hot Hits. Again advertising sales were poor, and several aerial mast collapses led to the new station being short lived.

Laser Hot Hits had plenty of enthusiasm and some excellent production work. This recording captures some of that sparkle, as you listen to a full day from Laser Hot Hits.


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