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Debbie England on July 19th 1974 from 1900-1946

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An interesting recording in the very early morning of July 25th 1974 when they were also broadcasting on 6225 khz short wave.
Derek Jones from 0445-0510 and Dave Owen until 0540.

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Debbie England on July 19th 1974 from 1900-1946


An interesting recording in the very early morning of July 25th 1974 when they were also broadcasting on 6225 khz short wave.

Derek Jones from 0445-0510 and Dave Owen until 0540.



Ik las ergens dat die KG zender maar 25 watt had. En maar een week in gebruik is geweest.

Het volgende stukje komt uit Monitor Magazine:

"The next noteworthy date was the 25th, this was the day Radio Atlantis

activated its Short Wave transmitter; with a power output of 200 watts it

broadcast on 6225 kHz (48.17 metres). The new transmitter was switched on

at 02.00 BST and carried the same programme that was being radiated on

Medium Wave. It was not audible here in Benfleet until 11.05 BST; the

signal strength varied from S.4 to S.9+20 dbs, but by 13.00 BST it had

faded away altogether. The SW experiment lasted only a few days - lack of

power and a clear channel hastened its end."



Ik las ergens dat die KG zender maar 25 watt had. En maar een week in gebruik is geweest.

Het volgende stukje komt uit Monitor Magazine:

"The next noteworthy date was the 25th, this was the day Radio Atlantis

activated its Short Wave transmitter; with a power output of 200 watts it

broadcast on 6225 kHz (48.17 metres). The new transmitter was switched on

at 02.00 BST and carried the same programme that was being radiated on

Medium Wave. It was not audible here in Benfleet until 11.05 BST; the

signal strength varied from S.4 to S.9+20 dbs, but by 13.00 BST it had

faded away altogether. The SW experiment lasted only a few days - lack of

power and a clear channel hastened its end."



het duurde een tijdje vooraleer radio Atlantis een goede frequentie te pakken had vanaf de Jeanine: 962 khz en 312m. Een week na de start van de kortegolfuitzending geraakte het kristal van de 962 khz beschadigd en moest Atlantis noodgedwongen terugkeren naar 229m voor de laatste weken. Het zou nog tot midden 1977 duren vooraleer Caroline de oude frequentie van Atlantis 962 khz zou gebruiken. 319 (312) is nog tot 1987 gebruikt geweest.


Op 23 november 1978 waren ze aan boord van de MV Mi Amigo even in de lucht als test op 963 khz. En toen werd het stil tot 15 april 1979.


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