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Radiop Caroline Video WIA December 1967


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25 September 1967  World in action over Caroline deel 2

Deze documentaire stond al eerder op YouTube, maar deze is in een iets betere kwaliteit. Veel bla bla van Ronan, maar wel leuke actie shots van Robbie Dale. En ook Robbie Dale en Johnny Walker in Amsterdam.

This episode of World In Action has been posted on Youtube before, but this is one is in better quality. Lots of talking by Ronan, but also nice action shots of Robbie Dale on board. And also Robbie Dale and Johnny Walker in Amsterdam.


From the analog archives of Martin v.d Ven

Oorspronkelijk analoog materiaal afkomstig uit het archief van Martin van der Ven


Ronan op z'n best, omringd door "luisteraars", altijd in gesprek vanuit een telefooncel met als contrast Robbie Dale in de periode 67/68, Singel 160 Amsterdam, Control from New York, Paris, Amsterdam en Toronto en "We shall overcome". Ronan en Caroline ten voeten uit. Deze beelden geven zo goed weer waarom "the lady of radio" nimmer uit haarzelf het bijltje er bij neergooide en niet te vergelijken is met welke andere zeezender dan ook.Het is precies die freewheeling maverick attitude die verklaard waarom er nog steeds een Caroline is en the Ross Revenge er blakend uitziet.

Wie wil weten waar de inspiratie voor dit legendarische radiostation ligt leze het volgende, voor u gelezen in de Joepie.......eh Wiki

The O'Rahilly

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Plaque in Ballylongford, County Kerry.

Michael Joseph O'Rahilly (Irish: Mícheál Seosamh Ó Rathaille or Ua Rathghaille; 22 April 1875 – 29 April 1916) known as The O'Rahilly, was an Irish republican and nationalist; he was a founding member of the Irish Volunteers in 1913 and served as Director of Arms. Despite opposing the action, he took part in the Easter Rising in Dublin and was killed during the fighting.

Contents [hide]

1 Early life

2 The Irish Volunteers

3 Easter Rising

4 Memorial

5 Source of name

6 Trivia

7 Notes

8 References

9 External links

Early life[edit]

Born in Ballylongford, County Kerry, O'Rahilly was educated in Clongowes Wood College (1890-3).[1] As an adult, he became a republican and a language enthusiast. He joined the Gaelic League and became a member of An Coiste Gnotha, its governing body. He was well travelled, spending at least a decade in the United States and in Europe before settling in Dublin.

O'Rahilly was a founding member of the Irish Volunteers in 1913, who organized to work for Irish independence and resist the proposed Home Rule; he served as the IV Director of Arms. He personally directed the first major arming of the Irish Volunteers, the landing of 900 Mausers at the Howth gun-running on 26 July 1914.[citation needed]

O'Rahilly was a reasonably wealthy man; the Weekly Irish Times reported after the Easter Rising that he "enjoyed a private income of £900" per annum, plenty of which went to "the cause he espoused."[citation needed]

The Irish Volunteers[edit]

O'Rahilly was not a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), and was not a party to the plans for the Easter Rising. The IRB went to great lengths to prevent those leaders of the Volunteers who were opposed to unprovoked, unilateral action from learning that a rising was imminent, including its Chief-of-Staff Eoin MacNeill, Bulmer Hobson, and O'Rahilly. When Hobson (who was still a member of the IRB at least in name, despite being estranged from its leaders) discovered that an insurrection was planned, he was kidnapped by the IRB leadership.

Learning this, O'Rahilly went to St. Enda's School on Good Friday to confront Patrick Pearse who worked there. He barged into Pearse's study, brandishing his revolver as he announced "Whoever kidnaps me will have to be a quicker shot!" Pearse calmed O'Rahilly, assuring him that Hobson was unharmed, and would be released after the rising began. O'Rahilly spent the entire night driving throughout the country, informing Volunteers leaders in Cork, Kerry, Tipperary, and Limerick that they were not to mobilize their forces on Sunday, thus largely preventing any rising outside of Dublin.[citation needed]

Easter Rising[edit]

After arriving home, he learned that the Rising was about to begin in Dublin on Easter Monday. Despite his efforts to prevent such action (which he felt could only lead to defeat), he set out to Liberty Hall to join Pearse, James Connolly, Tom Clarke, and the other leaders. Arriving in his motorcar, he gave one of the most quoted lines of the rising, "Well, I've helped to wind up the clock -- I might as well hear it strike!" Another famous, if less quoted line, was his comment to Countess Markievicz, "It is madness, but it is glorious madness." He fought with the GPO garrison during Easter Week, though he spent much of his time on the upstairs floor, away from the other leaders, with whom he was still angry.

One of the first British prisoners taken in the GPO was Second Lieutenant AD Chalmers, who was bound with telephone wire and unceremoniously lodged in a telephone box by the young Volunteer Captain and IRB activist, Michael Collins. Chalmers later recalled O'Rahilly's kindness to him. In a statement to a newspaper reporter, he said that he was taken from the telephone box after three hours, brought to the first floor where O'Rahilly gave an order concerning the prisoner: "I want this officer to watch the safe to see that nothing is touched. You will see that no harm comes to him."

On Friday 28 April, with the GPO on fire, O'Rahilly volunteered to lead a small party of men in search of a route to Williams and Woods, a factory on Great Britain Street (now Parnell Street). A British machine-gun at the intersection of Great Britain and Moore streets caught him along with most of his party. O'Rahilly slumped into a doorway on Moore Street, wounded and bleeding badly but soon made a dash across the road to find shelter in Sackville Lane (now O'Rahilly Parade). This effort exposed him to sustained fire from the machine-gunner.

Most accounts attest to O'Rahilly's dying in Sackville Lane which joined onto Moore Lane - however, the interconnected lanes were generally both known as Moore Lane by Dubliners.

According to ambulance driver Albert Mitchell, long after the surrender had taken place on Saturday afternoon and 19 hours after being severely wounded, O'Rahilly still clung to life. Mitchell said he was recounting events more than 30 years later. The following is an extract from Mitchel's witness statement (WS 196):

While driving through Moore St. to Jervis St. Hospital one afternoon towards the end of the week the sergeant drew my attention to the body of a man lying in the gutter in Moore Lane. He was dressed in a green uniform. I took the sergeant and two men with a stretcher and approached the body which appeared to be still alive. We were about to lift it up when a young English officer stepped out of a doorway and refused to allow us to touch it. I told him of my instructions from H.Q. but all to no avail.

When back in the lorry I asked the sergeant what was the idea? His answer was – ‘he must be someone of importance and the bastards are leaving him there to die of his wounds. It’s the easiest way to get rid of him.’

We came back again about 9 o’clock that night. The body was still there and an officer guarding it, but this time I fancied I knew the officer – he was not the one I met before. I asked why I was not allowed to take the body and who was it? He replied that his life and job depended on it being left there. He would not say who it was. I never saw the body again but I was told by different people that it was The O’Rahilly.

On the other hand, Desmond Ryan's The Rising maintains that it "was 2.30p.m. when Miss O'Farrell reached Moore Street, and as she passed Sackville Lane again, she saw O'Rahilly's corpse lying a few yards up the laneway, his feet against a stone stairway in front of a house, his head towards the street."


The memorial in O'Rahilly Parade, Dublin.

O'Rahilly wrote a message to his wife on the back of a letter he had received in the GPO from his son. Shane Cullen etched this last message to Nancy O'Rahilly into his limestone and bronze memorial sculpture to The O'Rahilly. The text reads:

‘Written after I was shot. Darling Nancy I was shot leading a rush up Moore Street and took refuge in a doorway. While I was there I heard the men pointing out where I was and made a bolt for the laneway I am in now. I got more [than] one bullet I think. Tons and tons of love dearie to you and the boys and to Nell and Anna. It was a good fight anyhow. Please deliver this to Nannie O' Rahilly, 40 Herbert Park, Dublin. Goodbye Darling.’[citation needed]

Source of name[edit]

See also: Chief of the Name

In Gaelic tradition, chief of clans were called by their clan name preceded by the determinate article, for example Robert The Bruce. O'Rahilly's calling himself "The O'Rahilly" was purely his own idea. In 1938, the poet William Butler Yeats defended O'Rahilly on this point in a well-known poem, which begins:

“ Sing of the O'Rahilly,

Do not deny his right;

Sing a 'the' before his name;

Allow that he, despite

All those learned historians,

Established it for good;

He wrote out that word himself,

He christened himself with blood.

How goes the weather?[2]


The World in Action episode guide on Imdb has the O'Rahilly File as series 4, episode 13, broadcast 25 September 1967.


They first attempted to board the Mi Amigo to film on 12 September 1967, according to Rob Chapman's Selling the 60s they were told not to board by coastguards acting upon instructions from the GPO. Three days later they were successful by travelling to the Mi Amigo via Holland. They boarded on condition that their presence was not mentioned on air.


Hi Mike, I based the date, which was not with the tape, on the fact that in the documentary the narrator mentions something of '3 months after Roy Bates took the fort. Please have a listen and otherwise I will change the date. Thank you.


Hi Alex, the situation regarding Roughs Tower is not as clear cut as the announcer says. The timeline is here, though there are reports that Jack Moore and his daughter were there as early as February 1965.

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So Roy Bates moved in December 1966 as no one from Caroline was on the fort. There was then claimed to be an agreement between the two sides with the fort being staffed by two men from each side but this did not last long.


I think the 3 months ago refers to the events of 27 June 1967, see the second and third press cuttings, this was when Ronan failed to regain control of the fort. It was in September that Bates decided to claim the fort as a separate country, Sealand.

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There were questions asked about this in Parliament. investigations by the local police with statements taken but no legal action because of the fort being outside territorial waters.


Also covered in Chapter 11 of When Pirates Ruled the Waves. A statement there from Ronan says "My men left two months ago after it was taken over by force".  Bates says he went out the day after this  to deliver food and water to his son and David Barron and "this is the 8th time we have been attacked on the fort and now I have decided to build an electric fence to make it impregnable." Ronan made no more attemps to re-occupy the fort.


ITN Source, which holds the rights to the Independent Television archives, has first transmission date as 25 September 1967.

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They also have a rights managed clip from ITN News of the Granada television team going out to the Mi Amgo from Felixstowe and not being able to board due to the Marine Offences Act, 45 seconds, broadcast September 14 1967.

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Is dit dezelfde documentaire? Van de Caroline Mailinglist.


Back in the 60's a TV channel in the UK ITV broadcast  a program called World in Action a weekly British investigative Please login or register to see this link.  programme.
This episode was about the start up of pirate radio
I have split this video into 3 parts to make it easier to download.
World in Action - The Pirates pt1
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World in Action - The Pirates pt2
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World in Action - The Pirates pt3
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Hi Theo, dit is deel 1 zoals ik die vorige week gepost heb. Dat is dus de edit die ik online gezet heb, met materiaal van Martin.

Vreemd trouwens dat ze deze dan eerst weer opsplitsen om het 'makkelijker te maken om het te downloaden' . Soms begrijp ik het echt niet meer. Staat het geheel op YT en kan het er zo afgehaald worden, gaan ze dit uithalen. Arbeidsbureau Ik Zoek Werk.

Staat er in de mailinglist dan iig nog bij waar het vandaan komt Theo :)


Hallo Alex. Het staat er niet bij waar het vandaan komt. De tekst in het  bericht boven is hetzelfde als in de mailing. Het lastige is soms dat men niet duidelijk omschrijft wat men aanbiedt, zodat er verwarring ontstaat. Zie je bij andere uploads ook.




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