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Peppers, the – Pinch of Salt. Dit nummer werd in 1974 in Parijs opgenomen en uitgebracht op de lp ‘A taste of Pepper, a taste of honey’ en wel op Sirocco Records. De formatie the Peppers, die voornamelijk electro pop speelde, had ons eerder verrast met de Pepperbox. Het nummer ‘Pinch of Salt’ werd in september 1973 op Radio Atlantis als eindtune gebruikt door Fred van den Bosch in zijn middagprogramma, waarin hij het nog steeds over Atlantis 385 had, weken nadat het station op de 259 meter van start was gegaan.


Peppers, the - Pinch of Salt. This song was recorded in 1974 in Paris and released on the album 'A taste of Pepper, a taste of honey' on Sirocco Records. The formation the Peppers, who mainly played electro pop, had surprised us earlier with the Pepperbox. The song 'Pinch of Salt' was used as the final tune on Radio Atlantis in September 1973 by Fred van den Bosch in his afternoon show, in which he still talked about Atlantis 385, weeks after the station had started on the 259 meter.

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