Geplaatst 16 november 20213 jr. Populair bericht Lawrie Hallett has recently uploaded a two part documentary he made in late 1983 When Pirates Waived The Rules to Mixcloud. Originally made for LBC, their lawyers got cold feet when they heard it so he then took it to BFBS who did broadcast it in Germany, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Gibraltar etc in early 1984. Both parts are 30 minutes long. Part One is on offshore radio up to 1983. Has original interviews with Tony Blackburn, John Peel, Ronan O'Rahilly in a European city with a barrel organ playing outside, Ross Revenge engineer/DJ Andy Howard and John Burch. Deze inhoud is verborgen Aanmelden of Registreren Part Two on landbased pirates at the time has interviews with Steve Price and Dave Lane of Alice's Restaurant, John Scott of Phoenix Radio, someone from Horizon Radio and written answers to questions from DTI minister Alex Fletcher Deze inhoud is verborgen Aanmelden of Registreren 16 november 20213 jr. bewerkt door MikeBr
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