Geplaatst 28 januari 20232 jr. Populair bericht Peter Leeds and others – Introduction Stan Freberg Radio Show. Afkomstig van de lp serie met radioshows van Stan Freberg. In dit geval van ‘After Freberg What? The Stan Frebergshow. Met onder meer the Jud Conlon Rhytmaires en Billy May and his Orchestra. In de gezongen intro zit de jingle verwerkt: ‘You may not find this on your tv…….but brought to you on R A D I O!’ En het was die intro die veel te horen was als jingle op Caroline North. Peter Leeds and others - Introduction Stan Freberg Radio Show. Taken from the LP series of radio shows by Stan Freberg. In this case from 'After Freberg What? The Stan Freberg Show. Includes the Jud Conlon Rhytmaires and Billy May and his Orchestra. The sung intro incorporated the jingle: 'You may not find this on your TV.......but brought to you on R A D I O!' And it was that intro that was widely heard as a jingle on Caroline North. Deze inhoud is verborgen Aanmelden of Registreren Deze inhoud is verborgen Aanmelden of Registreren
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