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Hi Brian,

Thank you for the nice quality recording, and for finding such a nice photo.

1988... hard to believe it is so long ago. I remember Judy recording a Lotto 6/49 ad

with Steve Conway, which was always amusing to hear.  Those were the great days of

proper radio, which are still much missed by many.

RIP Judy.


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Very sad news.


I want to thank everyone who has been uploading recordings of Judy's programmes over the past few months. They have been most appreciated. She will live forever within them.



Herbert Visser has a very interesting story about how he met her by chance (she was visiting Amsterdam with a Canadian friend) and introduced her to Radio Caroline:


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Another story from Herbie is that Judy broke into his home in the middle of the night... with 5 of her female friends. He woke up "surrounded by six women".

(Source: Please login or register to see this link. )



Rest in peace, Judy.

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