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on February 16, 1989, Franki Valli was artist of the day and on February 17, Barbra Streisand.


On this day, Friday February 17, 1989, around 2:44 PM you hear Arie say that the deep fryer in the kitchen is on fire.


Jan-Fré's index is therefore incorrect. So the first program should be February 16, 1989. The second program is correct and should be February 17, 1989. I sent Jan-Fré an email.



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8 hours ago, Hans Hendriks said:

on February 16, 1989, Franki Valli was artist of the day and on February 17, Barbra Streisand.


On this day, Friday February 17, 1989, around 2:44 PM you hear Arie say that the deep fryer in the kitchen is on fire.


Jan-Fré's index is therefore incorrect. So the first program should be February 16, 1989. The second program is correct and should be February 17, 1989. I sent Jan-Fré an email.



Beste Hans,

Are you actually saying that the files for 16th Feb. (1400-1500 and 1500-1533) are labelled wrong by Jan-Fre. The files for 17th Feb. (1400-1500 and 1456-1544) are labelled correctly by Jan-Fre.


John C

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