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25 juni 1989, 35 jaar geleden vanaf de Noordzee

Roel Dickse

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17 uur geleden zei Roel Dickse:

Radio 819
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Radio Caroline
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Please login or register to see this link.  Caroline 819 Overnight Alternative


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  • 1 month later...
23 uur geleden zei Lightkeeper:


Date also seems to be 1 week wrong.


The first (approx.) 25 minutes are the same tracks/announcements as the 1pm recording of Sunday 18th June 1989.


Thank you for your message lightkeeper.


I have a recording from June 18th, 1989 of Shaun Tilley. The recording ends at 1:00 PM and after this Philip John takes over. The last 3 seconds of Shaun's music flow seamlessly into Philip's. The recording is therefore from June 18th, 1989 and not from June 25th, 1989


Furthermore, Philip runs almost nonstop in the second half hour. I checked the MP3, but found no cut or anything. You will hear Philip again on the top of the hour at 2:00 PM.



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