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16 juli 1989, 35 jaar geleden vanaf de Noordzee

Roel Dickse

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/16/2024 at 2:52 AM, Hans Hendriks said:

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groet, Hans


Are these not from 18th June 1989?


For some reason I have the same recording (the first hour) in three different files, all of which I downloaded from here... so I think there's been a lot of confusion somewhere.





A quick check of Anoraks UK seems to show Max Buchanan presenting at 5am on 18th June 1989, but Chris Adams at 5am on 16th July 1989.


I don't think it can be 18th June 1989. "Don't Wanna Lose You" (Gloria Estefan), "From Now On" (Jaki Graham), "Edie (Ciao Baby)" (Cult) and "Dressed for Success" (Roxette) did not enter the UK charts until after this date.

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Hi Hans,


I agree that the above recordings are probably from Sunday 16th July 1989.


The other Chris Adams uploads are the exactly (or almost exactly) the same, but wrong date:





I hope this all makes sense.


Many regards

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