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Luxembourg - 20-04-1969 - 2300-0030 - Paul Burnett - Luxembourg Top 20


Aanbevolen berichten

9 uur geleden zei Vincent:

00:30:56 Promo Club Members, RTL grand prix (welk nummer is hier voor gebruikt).


Lijkt op iets van Tamla Motown/ Stevie Wonder?


9 uur geleden zei Vincent:

00:32:50 Jingle 208 (op nummer van Elton John - Your Song, een plaat uit 1970??).


Er is een demo van die plaat uit oktober 1969, maar de jingle op Radio Luxembourg is nog (van) een half jaar eerder, vreemd.


''Elton John's original piano & vocal demo for this timeless hit, written by Elton John & Bernie Taupin in 1969. Elton's diary entry, 27th October 1969: "In the end I did nothing today... wrote a new song called 'Your Song'." ".


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9 uur geleden zei Vincent:

01:13:21 Reclame ??.


Irish Sweepstakes lottery


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'' The Irish Sweepstakes have passed into history, but there was a time when the tickets were a very hot international commodity. Launched in 1930, the Irish Sweepstakes were a state-authorized series of horse-race gambling lotteries run from the start and for over half a century by a for-profit Irish company.'' 


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bewerkt door Robin Westhof
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9 uur geleden zei Vincent:

Your Song is wel een dingetje, dat viel mij ook op.


Dit klopt dus niet in het dagboek van Elton John.




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Maar het is (waarschijnlijk) al geschreven/gecomponeerd in 1967.


'' This was one of the first songs John wrote with Bernie Taupin. They met after a record company gave John some of Taupin's lyrics to work with.


Eventually, they both moved into John's parents' house, where they started working together.


The song was written in 1967, when Bernie Taupin was 17 ("hence the extraordinarily virginal sentiments," he has said).


Elton has said that this song is not about anyone in particular, so Taupin has refused to reveal the identity of the person - if such person exists - who inspired this song.'' 


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De jingle in goede kwaliteit:



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