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38 resultaten gevonden
Torero Band - Hey Jude. Dit nummer werd gebruikt door AJ Beirens ter afsluiting van zijn programma op RNI op 7 april 1974 en wel in ‘AJ on Sunday with the Beatles at ten’. Torero Band – Can’t buy me love. Dit nummer werd gebruikt door AJ Beirens ter afsluiting van zijn programma op RNI op 14...
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- rni
- aj beirens
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Eastman-Rochester Pops Orchestra – Typewriter, the. Dit orkest, onder leiding van dirigent Frederick Fennell, was verbonden aan de Universiteit van Rochester in de VS en nam tal van lp’s op, waaronder ‘Music from Leroy Anderson’ in 1958 op het Mercury label. Het was AJ Beirens die het nummer gebruik...
String-A-Longs – Wheels ook dit nummer staat al in de lijst en kan worden aangevuld. Dit instrumentaal werkje, dat lekker in het gehoor ligt, werd ook door AJ Beirens gebruikt op RNI toen hij in 1974 zijn Jim Reeves Special in ‘AJ on Sunday’ ermee afsloot. Wheels was van origine een succes voor het...
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- aj beirens
- rni
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Torero Band, the – Yellow Submarine. Daar is andermaal een nummer van de Torero Band waar we alleen van weten wat ze hebben opgenomen en dat hun muziek werd uitgebracht via het MPF label. Dit staat voor Music for Pleasure. Eén van de lp’s heet ‘Lennon & McCartney Tijuana Style’, waarop ook Yellow Su...
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- beatles
- aj beirens
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Werner Müller Orchestra – Trumpet blues/Take the ‘A’ train. Beide nummers zijn ontzettend vaak op de plaat gezet door tal van orkesten. Werner Müller nam deze nummers al in de jaren vijftig op in mono op Polydor. Maar de versies die werden gebruikt voor een promospot ten bate van de RNI Goes DX prog...
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- rni
- aj beirens
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From the AJ Beirens Heritage KING Radio Roger Gomez with Lunch Box including car sticker competition 33 min
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- aj beirens
- roger gomez
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RNI NSGDX with AJ Beirens and André Lasale with DX News and playing the RNI Muziek Express record. 1974 05 05 9-10 GMT 60 min studio.
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RNI AJ On Sunday 10-11 GMT 1974 05 05 Jim Reeves Special studio 60 min
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- aj beirens
- rni
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RNI NSGDX 1973 04 01 6205 khz studiotape 09.00-10.00 GMT. AJ Beirens DX News, Mailbag, Big l Story in French 60 min
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- aj beirens
- rni
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AB CC010A NSGDX 1973 05 06 with AJ Beirens and Pierre Deseyn including DX News and Mailbox and TV dxing. Special letter from Queen Fabiola to RNI and new studio in Belgium. 60 min studio
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- aj beirens
- rni
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another recording from the AJ Beirens Heritage: RNI AJ on Sunday Christmas period 1973 date unknown Special Josep and the Amazing technicolor dreamcoat from Andre Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice 60 min studio
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- rni
- aj beirens
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Today's recording from the AJ Beirens Heritage: NSGDX ajb 1973 10 21 9-10gmt studio 60 mij DX News, Mail Box and first time AJ Offshore Diary
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- aj beirens
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For this Sunday another recording from the AJ Beirens Heritage rni our world in action aj beirens1973 03 25 14-15 gmt television around the world, unesco items and Bach beethoven and water 64 min studio
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From the AJ Beirens Heritage for this Saturday June 26th: rni our world in action 1973 04 01 aj beirens people everywhere unesco specials including distribution transistor radios around the world 60 min studio
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- rni
- aj beirens
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The AJ Beirens Heritage recording for June 25th. RNI 1973 08 12 9-10 GMT NSGDX AJ Beirens. DX News, Mailbag and special RNI Double lp Pirate Radio News. studio 60 min.
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recording for June 24th from the AJ Beirens Heritage in the SMC Archive: RNI Our World in Action AJ Beirens 1973 08 12 Special part 2 Fiddler on the Roof and Unicef promo 60 min studio
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- rni
- aj beirens
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The recording for today: RNI NSGDX 1974 02 10 9-10 GMT AJ Beirens and André La Salle with DX news (andy archer) BBC Story of pop part of the Ship to shore chapter 60 min studio
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- aj beirens
- andy archer
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For this AJ on Sunday the following recordings from the AJB Heritage in the SMC Archive and available till July 10th. Enjoy! RNI 1974 01 13 Our World in Action with AJ Beirens and Motown and Soul Special 10-11 GMT 60 min studio RNI 1974 01 13 NSGDX A.J. Beirens 9-10 GMT 60 min stud...
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- aj beirens
- rni
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meer tapes from the AJ Beirens heritage this time late 1972
hans knot voegde een discussie toe in Zeezenders
Friday evening and we go back to 1972. RNI goes dx 10-12 1972 with AJ Beirens and Peter Hartwig and the Radio Scotland story 60 min studio as well as RNI goes dx 17-12-1972 with AJ Beirens including Grand Tour States side repeat.
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- aj beirens
- rnw
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this evening I want to share another of the AJ Beirens archive tapes from his heritage in the SMC Archive. It’s a studiorecording from a test program suggesting the MEBO II was on the way to Italy. Well it didn’t happen but the show was recorded on forehand the program can be downloaded up till...
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There are many more studio recordings to share from the AJ Beirens Heritage like these two ones. RNI Our world in action AJ Beirens 1974 02 74 Harry Belafonte Special 10-11 GMT studio recording RNI Our world in action AJ Beirens 1974 03 03 10-11 GMT Movie Music special 60 min studi...
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- rni
- aj beirens
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This recording is to download up till June 26th. No repeat possible. AB CC 007 1) Our World in Action 1974 05 19 AJ Beirens Doobie Brothers Special 62 min 10-11 GMT AB CC 007 2) RNI NSGDX AJ Beirens 1974 05 19 9-10 GMT 60 min
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Many of us heard this ultimate Saturday program, the final AJ Beirens goes dx as well as more on shortwave on 31st of August 1974. From AJ Beirens Heritage in our SMC Archive here’s the studio recording from 9-11 GMT
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- aj beirens
- rni
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