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4 resultaten gevonden

  1. Gast

    Radio Mi Amigo - Compilatie DJ Jingles

    Hoi, Voor de "Radio Addicts" een bijdrage komende uit mijn archief. Alle files (jingles, commercials etc) zijn door mij gerestoreerd en kregen een master. Evident kan het gebeuren dat er tussenin een file staat van mindere kwaliteit, dus don't shoot the messenger. Doch de audiokwaliteit van deccenia geleden kan je nu beluisteren in een hoge digitale kwaliteit. Alle files zijn 320 kbps stereo. Deze bijdrage omvat : Radio Mi Amigo - Compilatie DJ Jingles https://pixeldra.in/u/isrq9M Uw reactie in woord en beeld zijn steeds welkom. Heeft u aanvullingen, feel free om deze te posten.
  2. In de jaren 80 heb ik 's avonds een uitzending van radio Luxemburg gehoord die vooraf was opgenomen. Die werd uitgezonden omdat de DJ niet op tijd in de studio was geraakt. Ik denk dat het Bob Steward was maar ben er niet zeker van. Zou hier iemand meer van af weten ? Waren er opnames voor alle DJ's ? In de opname maakte de DJ zich zorgen over zichzelf omdat hij nog niet in de studio was.
  3. Van de Golden Radio NL server BBC Four - Time Shift about dj's
  4. Gast

    Looking for new Radio DJs!

    Hello DJs, I am DJ Averazon , DJ and Radio Manager at CurveRadio. At the moment all people at our radio station are searching for new DJs. I found this forum... About CurveRadio: CurveRadio is an english speaking radio, listenable under curveradio.com and the browser game Curve Fever. Maybe you know it CurveRadio exists for around 2 years yet. Now we would like to expand. For this we are searching for new people who would like to DJ in their freetime as a hobby, without getting paid. WAIT, WHAT??? Without money? Why should I do this then? That's easy to explain: We give you the opportunity to DJ in front of 3000 (unique) listeners per day, to chat with these people and to have a good time on air. If you always wanted to DJ for more people than just your friends or even your shelf, then we are the right address and radio station for you. Here you can be creative, you can do what you want to do, you can get experiences in broadcasting and you see, how radio works. Feel free to play your favourite music, to have guests (for example friends) in your shows or to make little competitions on air. We give you no guidelines, as long as everything is appropriate. If this sounds interesting to you, but you think you are not good enough as a DJ, do not worry: We are not searching for the next David Guetta or AVICII. You do not have to be a perfect DJ that had multiple gigs yet. The most important thing is, that you can entertain people. No matter whether you do this with awesome sessions or with talking on air and playing some cool music. Also if you think your english is not good enough: you do not have to be a native speaker. We just check whether the english is understandable. The rest comes after a while. An other plus point is our community: We are all young. At the moment nobody at CurveRadio is older than 24. So we have a good cllimate in the staff, we are always there for you and with time we all got friends. Nevertheless we take older DJs, that is no problem too If you are interested now then do not hestitate. Feel free to check out the radio under curveradio.com. Please also visit curveradio.com/become-a-dj. There you find all necessary information and also the contact details. Do not be afraid to write us for applying or for more questions, we do not bite. Even my name is Wolfi Greetings, DJ Ave
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