Bob Miller and his Miller Men – saturday jump.
Een nummer dat in 1966 verscheen op het CBS label en is gecomponeerd door Eddie James. Deze versie van ‘Saturday jump’ was de tune voor het programma ‘Party Night’ op Radio 270 door Paul Kramer. Bob Miller and his Miller Men was een Britse instrumentale groep die in de jaren vijftig en zestig van de vorige eeuw platen opnamen maar ook veel optraden in televisieprogramma’s. Eén van de leden van de groep was Stanley Dwight, de vader van Elton John.
Bob Miller and his Miller Men - Saturday Jump.
A song released in 1966 on the CBS label and composed by Eddie James. This version of 'Saturday Jump' was the tune for the 'Party Night' programme on Radio 270 by Paul Kramer. Bob Miller and his Miller Men were a British instrumental group which recorded records in the 1950s and 1960s but also made many appearances on television programmes. One of the members of the group was Stanley Dwight, Elton John's father.
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