Three Degrees – If and when. Dit nummer is afkomstig van de lp The Three Degrees, die in 1973 verscheen. Op de intro heeft de helaas in 2009 veel te vroeg overleden leadzangeres Fayette Pinkey in 1973 een jingle ingesproken die gedraaid kon worden door Ferry Maat op het einde van het programma ‘Herrie met Ferry’ op Radio Noordzee. ‘Thank you for listening to the Ferry Maat Show and I hope that you tune in too the next time…….’
Three Degrees - If and when. This song is from the album The Three Degrees, which appeared in 1973. On the intro, lead singer Fayette Pinkey, who unfortunately died far too early in 2009, recorded a jingle in 1973 that could be played by Ferry Maat at the end of the show 'Herrie met Ferry' on Radio Noordzee. Thank you for listening to the Ferry Maat Show and I hope that you tune in too the next time....