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19 resultaten gevonden

  1. martinja

    Kiss FM Scott Shannon

    Kiss FM USA Scott Shannon 16 04 1988 https://pixeldrain.com/u/A1GZP5ft
  2. ruudam

    Middengolf dood?

    De middengolf dood? Ik dacht het niet, kijk hier maar eens: http://radio.nl/ In LA, de grootste stad van USA staat een AM zender numero uno, jawel. KFI 640AM In NYC de 2e stad, maar belangrijkste stad, staat 1010 WINS op nr 3. En hier, alleen maar LPAM (hebben ze in USA ook) met geen luisteraars. De middengolf is naar de kloten geholpen door de degene die daar belang bij hebben, niet de luisteraar, die wil wel als er iets fatsoenlijks en goed ontvangbaar te horen is. ************************************************************************************************** KFI terug aan kop in Los Angeles In Los Angeles heeft de talkzender KFI AM640 spectaculair de koppositie ingenomen. Het marktaandeel steeg met 1,3% naar 5,5%. De nieuwszender 1010 WINS zette haar opmars voort en steeg met een procentpunt naar 5,7%, wat goed is voor plek 3. Ook hier is een flinke daling van het weekbereik te zien.
  3. 60s Satellite Survey per maand, hier volgt Januari 1963. De Amerikaanse top 40 van 19 januari 1963, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/nbaUpiyFy2/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 26 januari 1963, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/pUyflhl9xW/file.html Groet, Jan
  4. 60s Satellite Survey per maand, hier volgt maart 1962. De Amerikaanse top 40 van 10 maart 1962, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/7vtGCtXoBF/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 17 maart 1962, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/PhvioujiS0/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 17 maart 1962, gepresenteerd door Ken Merson https://krakenfiles.com/view/6PuEB2FbDx/file.html Groet, Jan
  5. 60s Satellite Survey per maand. De Amerikaanse top 40 van 30 november 1960, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/WrkGQPY8pP/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 12 december 1960, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/jx45zvEvIx/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 5 december 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/boIWV1J8E2/file.html Dit was 1960, binnenkort ga ik door met 1961. Groet, Jan
  6. 60s Satellite Survey per maand, deze aflevering gaat over mei 1960. De Amerikaanse top 40 van 2 mei 1960, gepresenteerd door Ken Merson https://krakenfiles.com/view/pmZocGMXQS/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 23 mei 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/81Ss8WqqvE/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van mei 1960, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/0PvBlv9PsZ/file.html Groet, Jan
  7. 60s Satellite Survey per maand. De Amerikaanse top 40 van 19 juni 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/HqnzMHfj2g/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van juli 1960, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/pqcWTgiz9c/file.html Groet, Jan
  8. 60s Satellite Survey 4 april en 25 april 1960 De Amerikaanse top 40 van 4 april 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/DoJosvm5hr/file.html De Amerikaanse top 40 van 25 april 1960, gepresenteerd door Lou Simon https://krakenfiles.com/view/wpuEbMurAX/file.html Groet, Jan
  9. 60s Satellite Survey 21 Maart 1960 De Amerikaanse top 40 van 21 Maart 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/saeBiaaZOi/file.html Groet, Jan
  10. 60s Satellite Survey 11 January 1960 De Amerikaanse top 40 van 11 januari 1960, gepresenteerd door Dave Hoeffel https://krakenfiles.com/view/tSxCmBYSA8/file.html Groet, Jan
  11. ABC - USA-American country countdown - Bob Kingsley https://pixeldrain.com/u/WpfCnfyV
  12. USA Top 100 - Jan van Veen - Radio Veronica 1969 04 06 - 1905 - 1945 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Y8G3a27c
  13. Waarschuwing voor verzamelaars oud studio materiaal......... Filmpje verlaten studio-gebouw. (WHJJ, 920 kHz, 5 kW, Providence, Rhode Island) Onduidelijk is of de masten in de tuin nog worden gebruikt? De filmer is geen radio-man, hij ziet 8 tracks, maar dat zijn natuurlijk carts. Zou het te koop zijn?? http://go.newbaymedia.com/e/262762/r-of-an-abandoned-radio-studio/71cfw/942033430
  14. ruudam

    In de USA kan het wel

    Kijk Jongelui, het kan wel Een echte zender op AM/FM voor de Baby Boomers, of ons soort mensen die met V en RNI zijn groot gegroeid. Vandaag begonnen, brand new. Het station: https://thedrivetucson.com/about/ De stream: https://radio.securenetsystems.net/v5/KDRI Het verhaal: 06/08-2019 U S A New Tucson Radio Venture Targets Older 'Lost Audience' By Cathalena E. Burch Arizona Daily Star Aug 5, 2019 Updated 0001 Aug 6. Tucson radio will welcome a new station today that features some familiar voices. This morning, 101.7-FM and 830-AM will go live as KDRI The Drive, a Tucson-focused music and entertainment station targeting listeners between the ages of 45 to 64. Owners Fletcher McCusker, Bobby Rich and Jim Arnold say those are the listeners that have long been neglected not only in Tucson but nationwide by corporate-owned radio that focuses on the 25-to-40 segment. “We kind of view them as a lost audience,” said longtime Tucson business titan and community activist McCusker, the only one among the trio who doesn’t have an extensive radio or broadcast background. McCusker’s only foray into radio was a short stint at KWFM — he was the underground rock station’s first hire — when he was 19 in the late 1960s. The trio closed last week on the $650,000 purchase of the radio frequencies that had been home to Christian broadcaster Family Life. The Drive will play a mix of music from the 1960s through the ’80s and beyond that they say will appeal to an audience that identifies as baby boomers, Rich said. “It’s not classic rock. It’s not golden oldies. But it’s going to be unique, programmed by Bobby Rich,” McCusker said. “His library right now is 3,000 songs, so you could literally go weeks without hearing the same songs.” When pressed for a clearer definition of the format, Rich would only say that he planned to “present on The Drive something that (listeners) will be comfortable with and familiar with and will give them something that they want, which is information and entertainment.” On Thursday, Tucson Radio began playing nonstop novelty songs, including “Camp Granada” and “Purple People Eater” under the name “The Worm.” On Monday morning, it switches gears as The Drive with Rich and Hill Bailey, most recently of KHYT 107.5-FM, in the morning driver’s seat. . . https://tucson.com/business/new-tucson-radio-venture-targets-older-lost-audience/article_145d434b-1c14-5789-beb0-90722a014d86.html (via Radio World NewsBytes, excerpts of much longer story) Greg Hardison, CA, August 5, DXLD yg (6/8-2019) FCC AM Query already has 830 as KDRI, 50/1 kW, Direxional night only, ex-KFLT really since 7/31. It had been KFLT more than 33 years. Monthly Local Sunset Times: August 7:15 [0215 UT] September 6:30 [0130 UT] Sunrise times MST: August 5:45 [1245 UT] September 6:00 [1300 UT] FCC pattern maps are Not Found! But NRC Pattern Book VIII of 2013 shows it tight toward the SSE, no good here. Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD yg (6/8-2019)
  15. TROS-H3-19900719-2100-2200-StanHaag-50jaarUSAno1Hits https://pixeldra.in/u/jk8PEU TROS-H3-19900719-2200-2300-StanHaag-50jaarUSAno1Hits https://pixeldra.in/u/hAzSnK TROS-H3-19900719-2300-2345-StanHaag-50jaarUSAno1Hits https://pixeldra.in/u/d19OM_
  16. AirChecks - Big Hugh Baby Jarrett - WPLO 12-63 https://pixeldra.in/u/mzQycy AirChecks - Big Hugh Baby WPLO 12-63 https://pixeldra.in/u/baZw6- AirChecks - Big Jack Armstrong - WKYC 9-67 https://pixeldra.in/u/lXIG3z AirChecks - Bob Gordon - WFUN 7-68 https://pixeldra.in/u/6gpoY7 AirChecks - Composite - WCGQ Columbus 6-78 https://pixeldra.in/u/yFHEa- AirChecks - Gary Nelson - WAPE 9-71 https://pixeldra.in/u/42t6xM AirChecks - John R - WLAC 1970 https://pixeldra.in/u/l3So9F AirChecks - KAAY 50,000 watts - 1090 - Little Rock 6-5-68 https://pixeldra.in/u/f9shZ8 AirChecks - KGB(AM) San Diego - B'wana Johnny Sat https://pixeldra.in/u/BW8rQU AirChecks - Lee Baby Simms - WJBK 1969 https://pixeldra.in/u/Z-pzVm AirChecks - Lee Baby Simms - WMYQ 1974 https://pixeldra.in/u/sNrEbo AirChecks - Tom Dooley - WSAI 12-67 https://pixeldra.in/u/Nfh-Im AirChecks - WABC - Dan Ingram '73 https://pixeldra.in/u/TldV6k AirChecks - WABC - George Michael '74 https://pixeldra.in/u/Z3EJda AirChecks - WAPE Hoyle Dempsey Last Day 12-19-02 6-10am https://pixeldra.in/u/5oxgrI AirChecks - WFUN - Miami - Steven W. Morgan https://pixeldra.in/u/RthJ_F AirChecks - WFUN South Miami 1-24-68 https://pixeldra.in/u/QEhDVy AirChecks - WJKF Old Big Ape Jacksonville https://pixeldra.in/u/skuDWr AirChecks - WKYC Big Jack 1-67 hi-fi https://pixeldra.in/u/T4Bx-c AirChecks - WKYC Chuck Dann 1-68 hi-fi https://pixeldra.in/u/3xq4jU AirChecks - WMYQ Miami - 12-2x-72 https://pixeldra.in/u/0DTKoW AirChecks - WMYQ Miami - 12-2x-'72 https://pixeldra.in/u/WQAhxh AirChecks - WQAM Miami - Pt. 2 - World's Greatest Radio Station https://pixeldra.in/u/8dLeVr
  17. hans knot

    mi amigo test shortwave

    Always trying to find new ways of reaching new SW audiences both in- and outside Europe, this month we are conducting a series of test transmissions from within the USA. Last December we had a successful 125 kW broadcast from Germany aimed at North America. Reception reports came in from all over the USA but also from many South American countries such as Mexico and Brazil. This month we will do 3 test broadcasts from inside North America, from the small town of Monticello in the northern US state of Maine, very close to the Canadian border. We'll use the two 50 kW transmitters from SW station WBCQ, which is run by a dedicated team of radio enthusiasts for the benefit of the listeners. There's also a link with European Offshore radio since one of the leading figures behind WBCQ is Al Weiner, who worked for Radio Caroline on the Ross Revenge in 1985 and later went on to start his own offshore station Radio New York International (RNYI) from the M.V. Sarah in 1987. The test transmissions (music, station ID's and info) will be held on: · Sunday, February 12 on 7490 kHz 21:00 - 22:00 hrs UTC (4 - 5 pm EST local time) · Thursday, February 16 on 7490 kHz 01:00 - 02:00 hrs UTC (Wed. Feb. 15, 8 - 9 pm EST local) · Saturday, February 18 on 9330 kHz 21:00 - 22:00 hrs UTC (4 - 5 pm EST local time)
  18. martinja

    Radio New York

    Radio New York International 27-07-1987 Final Broadcast 1 http://www78.zippyshare.com/v/gTOH7N30/file.html Radio New York International 27-07-1987 Final Broadcast 2 http://www77.zippyshare.com/v/B9kiM3D8/file.html
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